Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Sedgwick Detert Law Firm is Stalking Sock Monkey

(Click on images for larger view)

Why is the Sedgwick Detert law firm
so obsessed with Sock Monkeys???

Why is someone at Sedgwick Detert spending
almost 24 hours online stalking Camp Sock Monkey blog???

Someone at the Sedgwick Detert law firm also spent over
2 hours in one session reading Camp Sock Monkey blog posts.

The Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold law firm is spending way too much time on Camp Sock Monkey blog. Spending almost 24 hours in one sitting on a Sock Monkey blog is a cause for concern.   Personally, we at Camp Sock Monkey do not judge. We have spent many a night howling at the moon trying to make sense of people's motives.  Mental illness affects those from all walks of life.  The pressure of working in the highly demanding legal field can create job stress and a host of other psychological maladies.

Nonetheless, we sincerely feel that the Sedgwick Detert obsession with our lil silly Sock Monkey blog requires intervention. Regardless of the emotional or mental genesis, we encourage the afflicted to "get help."   Because, spending almost 27 hours in less than two days ruminating over a Sock Monkey blog is called stalking.

In the past week, we've received hits from theSedgwick law offices in all parts of the world. Most of the blog traffic came from New York.  For some reason, there's a sudden interest in our Sock Monkey blog from the legal community and related industries. What's the nexus between a sock monkey and high profile law firm attorneys?  Please give us a clue.

In any event, we ask that Sedgwick Detert General Counsel, Michael B. McGeehon prepare a firmwide memo informing all Sedgwick employees that Camp Sock Monkey is off limits, effectively immediately. Our Terms of Service have been amended to reflect our wishes. Please! First, hackers and now stalkers, oh my!

The Sedgwick Detert law firm is REALLY creeping us out.

Related Posts:
*Camp Sock Monkey*: Sock Monkey Words for Sedgwick Mike McGeehon
*Camp Sock Monkey*: San Francisco Sock Monkey Lawyer
*Camp Sock Monkey*: Camp Sock Monkey Hates Mean Old Lawyers!


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