Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Camp Sock Monkey is Back Online!

Those miserable hackers were really brutal to Camp Sock Monkey the other day. We had to take down our blog and disinfect it from those rotten sods.

They won't chase us offline. Just let them try!

Since our Sedgwick Detert posts were so popular and brought us many new readers, we created a very special blog called "Sucky" that will focus our legal issues with Sedgwick Detert General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon and his Psycho Attorney who hired computer hackers to harass and torment us.

In the meantime, Camp Sock Monkey will return to being all warm and fuzzy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The Sedgwick Detert Hacker Script Designed to Destroy My Evidence


Direct Link
Sedgwick Detert Hackers Love to Inject 
Malicious Code Into Camp Sock Monkey

Here is the script I found hidden in my Camp Sock Monkey blog. It was designed to prevent tracking of Sedgwick Detert stalkers and hackers on my blogs, websites and computers. The Sedgwick Detert computer hackers are clever. They visit my blogs to inject malicious code into my iframe with the specific intent of destroying evidence against Sedgwick Detert Psycho Attorney and General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon.

Worthy of note is the code dialog preventing me from uploading photos or files through Google/Blogger. I found a different method of exposing Sedgwick Detert and Ryan Kusaba's stalking and harassment.

If anyone from Google and Photobucket is reading this, please take preventative measures to keep the Sedgwick Detert law firm and computer hacker Ryan Daisuku Kusaba from invading my private blogger and photo accounts. Thank you!

This is Sedgwick Detert Computer Hacker, Ryan Daisuku Kusaba's script that invades my SockMonkeyBlog at gmail email account. Ryan Kusaba is committing identity theft. I never authorized anyone at Sedgwick Detert or Ryan Kusaba to access my private email accounts. Google: Please investigate and take legal action. Kusaba is employed as a computer coder at Sony Imageworks Interactive in Culver City, California. He is currently under state and federal investigation for computer hacking and a host of other criminal offenses.


Below: This is the Hackers CSS base designed to keep my online activities, work product, research, documents and photos and anything done on my computer under their control and knowledge. I am constantly under surveillance. Isn't that called CYBERSTALKING?

Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon better find a clue real soon. Your threats of harm don't frighten me anymore. I will not be victimized by corrupt and unethical attorneys. Mr. McGeehon, I suggest you take the log out of your own eye before you point out the splinter in mine. This is NOT about me. This is about your Psycho Attorney and the ongoing stalking and terror I am subjected to on a daily basis by Sedgwick Detert attorneys and their computer hackers.


A Final Warning to Sedgwick Detert General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon + His Computer Hacker


More Evidence of Sedgwick Detert
Camp Sock Monkey Stalking

Thank goodness I saved a copy in my iPhone!

Obviously, Sedgwick Detert General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon wants to serve time with his Psycho Attorney and his Sedgwick Detert Computer Hacker Ryan Daisuku Kusaba.

Computer Hacker and Sony Imageworks Interactive employee Ryan Daisuku Kusaba hacked into my new Macbook beginning on November 7, 2009. I just recovered files that reveal my stolen Yahoo and Google email as well as evidence I stored in my Photobucket and Flickr accounts. I am reporting Sedgwick Detert General Counsel's Michael B. McGeehon's felony theft by deception of my email and Sedgwick Detert computer intrusion charges to the police and California State Bar Association.

Additional Evidence of Sedgwick Detert Blog Stalking

Stay off my blog and stay out of my computer networks!

Notice how my widgets below are missing?* Computer Hacker Ryan Daisuku Kusaba deleted my widget coding because it revealed Sedgwick Detert General Counsel's Internet Stalking of my websites and personal accounts. McGeehon wanted evidence of his criminal wrongs destroyed!

* I managed to replace the widgets by deleting the Sedgwick Detert com,puter hacker's malicious code.


* Computer Hacker Ryan Kusaba added "noscript" to my blog HTML to prevent my webtrackers from recording illegal activity, stalking and harassment of Sedgwick Detert employees. Ryan Kusaba was hired by a Psycho Sedgwick Detert attorney to hack my email last year after I reported him to the State Bar for fraud, perjury and ethics violations. As a result thereof, I have been defamed, libelled, degraded, harassed, demeaned, stalked, threatened and terrorized by Sedgwick Detert law firm attorneys and their agents and representatives.

I will be posting screenprints of McGeehon and Kusaba's hacking and theft of my documents and email forthwith.





Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The Sedgwick Detert Law Firm is Stalking Sock Monkey

(Click on images for larger view)

Why is the Sedgwick Detert law firm
so obsessed with Sock Monkeys???

Why is someone at Sedgwick Detert spending
almost 24 hours online stalking Camp Sock Monkey blog???

Someone at the Sedgwick Detert law firm also spent over
2 hours in one session reading Camp Sock Monkey blog posts.

The Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold law firm is spending way too much time on Camp Sock Monkey blog. Spending almost 24 hours in one sitting on a Sock Monkey blog is a cause for concern.   Personally, we at Camp Sock Monkey do not judge. We have spent many a night howling at the moon trying to make sense of people's motives.  Mental illness affects those from all walks of life.  The pressure of working in the highly demanding legal field can create job stress and a host of other psychological maladies.

Nonetheless, we sincerely feel that the Sedgwick Detert obsession with our lil silly Sock Monkey blog requires intervention. Regardless of the emotional or mental genesis, we encourage the afflicted to "get help."   Because, spending almost 27 hours in less than two days ruminating over a Sock Monkey blog is called stalking.

In the past week, we've received hits from theSedgwick law offices in all parts of the world. Most of the blog traffic came from New York.  For some reason, there's a sudden interest in our Sock Monkey blog from the legal community and related industries. What's the nexus between a sock monkey and high profile law firm attorneys?  Please give us a clue.

In any event, we ask that Sedgwick Detert General Counsel, Michael B. McGeehon prepare a firmwide memo informing all Sedgwick employees that Camp Sock Monkey is off limits, effectively immediately. Our Terms of Service have been amended to reflect our wishes. Please! First, hackers and now stalkers, oh my!

The Sedgwick Detert law firm is REALLY creeping us out.

Related Posts:
*Camp Sock Monkey*: Sock Monkey Words for Sedgwick Mike McGeehon
*Camp Sock Monkey*: San Francisco Sock Monkey Lawyer
*Camp Sock Monkey*: Camp Sock Monkey Hates Mean Old Lawyers!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Sock Monkey and Hello Kitty 35th Anniversary Party

Sock Monkey Attended Hello Kitty's
35th Anniversary Party on 11-1-2009

Sock Monkey and the Birthday Girl

Of course, there was lots of Hello Kitty stuff to buy!

Sock Monkey had lots of fun.

There were Hello Kitty cupcakes too!

Camp Sock Monkey's Belated Halloween

Sock Monkey dressed up as a Lil Devil for Halloween

It Looks Like Paul Frank Sock Monkeys Had the Same Idea

Can You Guess Where Sock Monkey's Picture Was Taken?

If You Guessed Watson's Soda Fountain in
Old Towne Orange,
You're a Smartie Pants!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Sock Monkey Words for Sedgwick Detert Lawyer Michael B McGeehon

A Message from Sock Monkey to
Sedgwick Detert Lawyer, Michael B. McGeehon

Hello Camp Sock Monkey readers.

Camp Sock Monkey hereby apologizes, in advance, for the not-very-warm and friendly words in this post. Please avert your eyes now if you are easily offended.

We've been offline for awhile, once again, because of the diseased hackers that just won't quit, even in the face of criminal investigations and increasing civil liability. Moreover, you would think that General Counsel and Sedgwick Detert, Moran & Arnold Partner, Michael B. McGeehon would have taken some definitive action to end the relentless computer hacking which began a year ago, YES, a year ago.

A psycho Sedgwick Detert attorney hired the computer hackers to invade my computer systems after I filed a State Bar complaint against him for fraud and perjury. He withheld clients emails, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knowingly and willingly suborned a Sedgwick Detert client's perjury in a seminal declaration, which had a spillover effect in other matters. In turn, instead of being an ethical attorney, the deeply disturbed Sedgwick Detert attorney responded with threats and retaliation, which included the commission of numerous acts of moral turpitude and felony crimes. Like I said, he's a Sedgwick Detert attorney. That's the Sedgwick Detert law firm does business.

This is a Sedgwick Detert Computer Hacker

Yep, we know the harm Hackers can cause.
The Hacker's identity is concealed to protect
his due process rights. His computer and criminal
 exploits are under local and federal investigation.

As you can see, the Sedgwick attorney didn't exactly pick the brightest hacker in the network. The attorney's stepson gave him the referral. This hacker gave law enforcement a head start, by bragging about his felony crimes on the social media network, Twitter. Stupid.

You would think these rotters would crawl back into cyberspace. Not so. They've been hell-bent on disarming me into submission with threats of harm to my person and property. This hacker has lots of buddies in the United Kingdom. Two relentless hackers, swear to never end their reign of terror because I am pursuing criminal and civil prosecution against their hacker "friend."   Jon Wheatley is one of these cyber-terrorists. He commands a network of corrupt hackers through his website,, which recently obtained investors from Y Combinator. Jon now has the money and the manpower to harass, hack and stalk this hapless soul to no end. Of course, since their local hacker buddy is the genesis of this campaign of cyber-terror, he'll face the consequences.

The other omnipresent hacker is Paul Fraser, from the outskirts of Edinburgh. Paul is not shy about publishing proof of his computer crimes. Even after he hacked my email accounts and found copies of his internet bragging, he still can't keep his mouth shut.

I've almost lost count of the computers this malignant bunch has destroyed and corrupted. I think it's up to 9 computers so far, not counting my Blackberry and iPhone. Before it was out of the box, Paul corrupted my Sony Vaio. I didn't even have time to upload the premium anti-virus program. I gotta give Paul credit. He is clever. He bragged about it on the internet, of course. See, "Wifi Hacking."

Obviously, Paul Fraser is stalking me in my private Twitter account under a phony user profile. After reading that I was afraid to use my new laptop computer because of the ongoing threats from hackers, he exploited my transparency and fear.

October 15, 2009
Hard on the heels of my October 16, 2009 blog post, which publicly condemned Mr. Michael B. McGeehon for ratifying the never ending computer hacking, Paul Fraser sought a blueprint for a hacking program from a PHP forum with the specific intent to hack into my computer. Paul's post was dated October 18, 2009; 10:22 PM. Coincidence? I think not.

Posted: 18 October 2009 - 10:22 PM

" Hey, i was wondering if it was possible to hack into someone PC via there wifi internet. The PC is a laptop with no virus protection, and it is very important that i get their hotmail password. It is connected through a wirless internet connection, can anyone please explain any way/s i could do this, thanks :) " Signed by

October 19, 2009 2:44 PM.
My laptop was hacked by Paul Fraser that night.

Paul is getting brighter. He used an alias name. But someone else also found a clue. You see, I learned how to read Paul's snake-bite mean scripts. After he hacked my new netbook and Sony Vaio, received as a gift from a dear friend, I've given up using my residential internet. I spoke to security at AT&T as well an investigator at the local F.B.I. office.

I spent 15 hours online reading every script they uploaded to my poor little Vaio. But it was not in vain. I found what I was looking for. Paul, ever the clever one, uploaded a wlansvc.dll.mui to my laptop. that malicious software with my WLAN adapter turned my laptop into an access point for Paul and his international network of hackers. They created a "ad hoc peer network" on my laptop. I wasn't invited.  By the way, the membership of these gang bangers is identified under "advapi32.dll."

But, that's not the worst of it. They've hijacked my home internet. I don't have use of my own internet connection because Paul's malware and spyware has intentionally blocked my wireless connection. I found that script too. Even when I tried to reload my internet set-up disk, these hackers found a way to block a new installation with a "pre-log on" program that blocks any attempt to edit, delete or force a new installation. I can't even install a new NIC card. I tried that too. These hackers have a "Group Policy, " which mandates what THEY want to do with my computer network and internet use. I tried to use the "ERASE" command to delete all "WLANSVC" programs but, I am denied access to my own Control Panel.

I found the Use_Group (PSK) and WEP key (OneX) passphrase in Paul's scripts, but my laptop User Profile is banned from the hackers Group Policy so I can't seize control of my own internet connection. Unbelievable. Of course, the FCC is investigating and so is AT&T. It's a federal crime to hijack a utility's Internet facilities. They own the wiring and the connection. I am merely a"subscriber."

Of course, local law enforcement is stymied. But, as one investigator told me, they used the Tax Code to convict mob boss Al Capone. These hackers have threatened to publish embarrassing and personal information about me, with the specific intent of coercing me into waiving criminal and civil charges against them.  Of course, the hackers threats to publish this so-called "information" about me constitutes the felony crime of "Extortion." These hackers have committed Stalking, Identity Theft, Destruction of Private Property, Terrorist Threats, and countless violations of the state and federal Computer Abuse and Security Act.

I've been told to get a restraining order forthwith. Any intrusion of my computer network would constitute a violation of a court order with 6 months in jail for each offense. My complaint is being processed as I blog. Will that stop the hacking? I doubt it. The hackers keep me under surveillance. They hacked my iPhone and programmed it as a GPS device. They re-direct my iPhone camera photos via MMS to see what "evidence" or documents I am preserving. My internet use is closely controlled. My personal contacts are harvested for later use. It's worthy of note, Paul is quite experienced in internet surveillance. It's called "geocaching."

July 27, 2009
by Paul Fraser

By chance, I learned that my personal email was being re-directed to unauthorized third parties without respect to my unalienble rights to privacy of my personal and confidential matters. One of these unauthorized recipients of my personal email was Sedgwick Detert General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon. I was mortified to learn that Mr. McGeehon received and no doubt, read my personal email. As an Officer of the Court, Mr. Michael B. McGeehon should be ashamed of himself. This was no act of "fat fingered typing." McGeehon's willful failure to bring these malicious disclosures to my attention eliminates any doubt in my mind that he had knowledge of the hacking and therefor ratified this malicious conduct by agents and representatives of the Sedgwick Detert law firm.

Of course, if Mr. Michael B. McGeehon possessed a scintilla of common decency and legal ethics, he would have taken definitive action MONTHS ago to end this reign of cyber-terror.   I am a flawed and powerless woman. Mr. McGeehon knows that I remain in recovery from an eating disorder and receive psychological treatment for major depression.I personally spoke to Mr. McGeehon on the phone recently, after uttering the "C" word, he hung up.

That was not the response I was seeking. Honestly, I'm nobody.  I blog about Sock Monkeys and cupcakes. But, I have the right to be left alone.  The Sedgwick Detert attorney took methodical steps to hunt down my websites with the specific intent to hack into my computer. He's kept me in his cross-hairs for over a year, with relative impunity.

Recently, a motive for this attorney's abuse has come to light. The drug and alcohol relapses of his drug addict/alcoholic adult son always precedes an episode of this attorney's degradation and harassment. It's called scapegoating. The Sedgwick Detert attorney uses rationalization and neutralization as he projects his unresolved frustration and anger onto me because I don't fight back out of fear. I'm sympathetic to a degree, but this attorney knows what he is doing is wrong. His behavior establishes "consciousness of guilt."   Paul Fraser was "ripping" the content from my blogs and creating rogue websites from early April 2009 through June 11, 2009. This is one of Paul's specialties. It's no coincidence that by choice or design the attorney filed a Substitution of Attorney in our pending litigation the same day. Fearing consequences for his misconduct, the hacking stopped that day. But, it didn't end. True to form, the retaliation continued.

It would have ended, if Sedgwick Detert attorney Michael B. McGeehon, ordered it to end.  Shame on you Mr. Michael B. McGeehon!

Related Posts:
*Camp Sock Monkey*: Sock Monkey Words for Sedgwick Mike McGeehon
*Camp Sock Monkey*: San Francisco Sock Monkey Lawyer
*Camp Sock Monkey*: Camp Sock Monkey Hates Mean Old Lawyers!