Friday, October 23, 2009

San Francisco Sock Monkey Lawyer

Sock Monkey *hearts*  San Francisco.

Sock Monkey *hearts* the Ferry Building.
Nom Nom Nom!

Sock Monkey * hearts* the Embarcadero.
Our friends work there. We have lunch together at the Ferry Building.

Sock Monkey *hearts* the Cable Car.
Parking is expensive and scarce downtown.
We prefer to take the Cable Car from Fisherman's Wharf.

Good morning everybody! It's time for Camp Sock Monkey to head back to San Francisco. We can't wait to get back to a happy and safe place shared with our loved ones. Please stop by again soon. We have some Sock Monkey toys and other fun stuff to give away to our lucky blog readers.

Sock Monkey Lawyer
by one of our favorite Sock Monkey peeps,

Speaking of the devil, (no pun intended), a little bird told us that a few somebodies from the Sedgwick Detert law firm in Los Angeles and San Francisco stopped by our silly lil Sock Monkey blog several times during the week. In fact, a certain somebody spent two hours reading many of our posts.  Our "Contact" page was of special interest, perhaps to Sedgwick Detert General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon? It was accessed seven (7) times in that two (2) hour session. Do you think a mean old Sedgwick Detert attorney will be sending us a mean old lawyer letter?

In any event, we're flattered that we have such high brow readers. Defense counsel bills time. We remember the good old days of time sheets.  I wonder how a lawyer would describe the two hours he spent reading Camp Sock Monkey.  Hmmm?!  Now that we think about it, our blog appears to be attracting attention from the legal community lately.  No worries. We love all of our readers. Even lawyers need a warm and fuzzy moment now and then.

Sock Monkeys are love!

Handmade by Tamara


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