Friday, October 16, 2009

Camp Sock Monkey Hates Mean Old Lawyers!

My computer monitor is dark for a reason. Hackers have destroyed five computers in less than one (1) year. These malignant intruders were hired by a Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold attorney during the course of pending litigation against their client. The average partner at Sedgwick, Detert earns almost $700,000 a year. Yet, the Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold law firm steadfastly refuses to replace my computer, let alone address the unethical and criminal conduct of their attorney.

I just don't get it.

A Psycho attorney employed by the Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold law firm hired two notorious computer hackers to break into my computer system for the purpose of stealing my work product, accessing my private medical records, eavesdropping on my email and electronic communications, seizing my personal documents and photos over the course of a year. I've been stalked, libelled, defamed, trashed, degraded, threatened, harassed, robbed, publicly embarrassed, humiliated, victimized and hacked by an attorney who works at a big law firm called Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold. WHY? Because I reported this Sedgwick Detert attorney to the State Bar for ethics violations.

A a result thereof, psycho Sedgwick Detert attorney is currently under criminal investigation in conjunction with the felony conduct of his computer hackers. Additionally, the California State Bar could disbar him for violating almost every code of attorney ethics and his ongoing acts of moral turpitude.

I personally brought these very serious issues of attorney misconduct and his relentless harassment and revenge to the attention of Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon at the San Francisco office months ago. Despite repeated notice and opportunity, Mr. Michael B. McGeehon has failed miserably in his promise to remedy these problems. In fact, in reaction to my complaints, psycho Sedgwick Detert attorney has retaliated with even more brutal acts of cyberstalking and computer hacking.

Mr. Michael B. McGeehon is no slouch. Mr. McGeehon is paid big bucks to dispense legal advice to corporations regarding professional liability claims. Michael B. McGeehon is General Counsel of a big law firm. McGeehon attended law school and Ivy League colleges like Harvard and Stanford. Of course, I'm not all that impressed because my Sock Monkey is a Stanford alumni too. In any event, I don't understand why Mr. McGeehon refuses to protect me from further harm and injury by this deeply disturbed attorney. Five computer systems have been destroyed by the attorney's wrecking crew. I'm being extorted by this Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold attorney and his hired hackers who are known to law enforcement. They've threatened to illegally and unlawfully disseminate my personal, private and confidential matters to my family, friends and social and business relationships. If I don't cave to their demands and drop my criminal, administrative and civil claims against them and the Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold law firm, I risk the consequences of their blackmail and character assassination. My life is consumed with anxiety, fear, a nagging sense of helplessness and aloss of control, which has exacted a huge emotional and physical toll to my health and well-being.

As a woman, I've been the target of vicious and demeaning names calling. On a daily basis I face threats of physical harm and others acts of intimidation by Psycho Attorney and his hackers. No doubt, the Sedgwick Detert Moran & Arnold law firm advocates violence against women. If this law firm possessed a scintilla of decency and humanity, they would have taken definitive action months ago to stop Psycho Attorney and their agents and representatives from subjecting me to ongoing verbal and emotional assault.

For the record, I hold General Counsel Michael B. McGeehon personally responsible for the hell I am forced to endure. No one should live with this kind of fear and abuse. The cavalier attitude of the Sedgwick Detert law firm is cruel and deplorable. Shame on you, Mr. Michael Brownlee McGeehon! 

Related Posts:
*Camp Sock Monkey*: Sock Monkey Words for Sedgwick Mike McGeehon
*Camp Sock Monkey*: San Francisco Sock Monkey Lawyer
*Camp Sock Monkey*: Camp Sock Monkey Hates Mean Old Lawyers!


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