Friday, May 15, 2009

Monkey See Monkey Do by Kitchen DoughDough

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Monkey See Monkey Do

Baby DoughDough
and Sock Monkey cupcake

Hook'em while they're young!

Sock Monkey fans are a very small, albeit select group of people. The Sock Monkey has a well deserved place in American toy history. It's a story that should be preserved for its ingenuity, motherly love and historical context that has given rise to the enduring appeal of the Sock Monkey. There is even a permanent exhibit of the Sock Monkey at the Midway Village Museum in Rockford, Illinois. Us Sock Monkey fans must stick together!


Well, we have certainly found another member of our tribe at KitchenDoughDough. Talk about Sock Monkey love! As pictured above, Baby DoughDough's nursery is decked out in all things a la Sock Monkey. Imagine waking up to all that and a Mommy who bakes and designs adorable Sock Monkey cupcakes too!

Monkey see Monkey do. And we do adore {{{Kitchen DoughDough.}}}


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