Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sock Monkey Says NO on Prop 8!

Ennis and Jack Sock Monkey by
Designed and created by Kristine aka Web-Goddess.org
inspired by Brokeback Mountain 2005

Brokeback Mountain in 30 seconds,
re-enacted by bunnies.

Photo by Web-Goddess.org
These Sock Monkeys are precious.
They were made by Kristine, an American ex pat living in Australia.
A big thank you to Kristine for sharing her
expertise in the tutorial link.

You can make your own Rainbow Love Sock Monkey
from Kristine's step by step tutorial.
Check out the rest of her blog. She is a very talented crafter
and a fellow Sock Monkey admirer.


Sock Monkey asks you to support equality for all and Vote No to Prop 8 in California.
You can take action and get the message out to friends, family and community.

Brokeback Mountain was an unhappy love story about forbidden love
between two men in the 1960's.
In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court decriminalized gay sex between consenting adults.
On May 15th, 2008, the California State Supreme Court ruled in a historic 4-3 decision, that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry in California.
But, the legal battles aren't over yet.
Prop 8 jeopardizes the the court's May 2008 ruling.

Prop 8 was placed on the November ballot to defeat the State Supreme Court landmark law,
which would seek a constitutional amendment that only recognizes
marriage between a man and a woman.

Prop 8 is wrong because it fosters intolerance
and unfairness towards those who pursue their legal
right to form a legal union with their partner of choice.
Everyone deserves equal protection of the law.

No one should be denied their fundamental right to marry
because they differ from what has been held as
the traditional view of family.

Don't be fooled. Prop 8 is about fairness and equal protection.
Prop 8 simply asks voters to defeat a constitutional amendment
that would legalize discrimination in the State of California.

Prop 8 is about marriage equality.


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