Sunday, July 20, 2008

Obama Sock Monkey Redux

Above: The Original Sock Obama
The New Obama Monkey.

Much ado was made over the purported "racism" of the Sock Obama when it went on sale back in early June. No doubt, mob mentality caused the website owners to close up their online sales. Quietly, a new Obama Monkey has returned online for sale.
Personally, I'm happy to see free enterprise prevail. You don't like it. Don't buy it.
I don't support bully tactics.

" is not affiliated with,
TheSockObama™, David and Elizabeth Lawson or Binkley Toys.
We respect them and their privacy and you should too.

In this election year we possess the freedom to vote for the candidate of our choice.
Let us not forget that we also have the choice to avert our eyes and click on the X in the upper right hand of the screen if we find a product distasteful or outright offensive.

I respect anyone's right to voice their protest. However, I was disgusted by the threats of violence and mayhem over a doll. Call me simple minded. It's a doll.
A marketing gimic in a campaign year. Check out the crap on Cafe Press. You can buy a G-string emblazoned with the face of your favorite candidate. BTW, where was the uproar over the Hillary Clinton Nutcracker that was sold online?
Double standard? Nah. Hypocrisy!

The new website gives the Republicans equal time with a McCain Monkey. Somehow, I doubt it will sell as well as the new Obama version. The new Obama doll is pictured with longer sleeved suit jacket and longer pants. And yes, I did order an Obama Monkey. It's a collectible toy in a historical election year. It's the first time in history that an African-American and a woman ran a high profile campaign for the Democratic nomination to be elected as the President of the United States of America. That is what should be remembered from campaign 2008.


Anonymous said...

The ancestors of William and Elizabeth Key Grinstead, Adam Rogers, Emmanuel Driggers, and Van Salees are not going to like this.

* said...

Thank you for your comment. However, in the face of Obama's history making nomination as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America, its all good. We live in a country where we have a right to speak our minds and express our opinions. I think we should focus on how far we've come as a society rather than where we've been.

Anonymous said...

Monkey is an offensive term to call people of African-American descent. Ironically, the person played a part in the Bigfoot (monkeylike costume) in Harry and the Hendersons was named Kevin Peter Hall, an African-American.(unfortunately, he is no longer living.)

* said...

No one is calling Obama a monkey. A company created a toy designed to capitalize on the 2008 candidates for the upcoming Presidential election.

Second, Kevin Peter Hall, who tragically died from AIDS related illness, played the role of Bigfoot because his height played a role in his casting, even though he was an African-American man.

At this point, all we can do is agree to disagree. I am a Democrat and support Obama. I also collect Sock Monkeys because they are whimsical. Again, thank you for taking the time to write.

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