Sunday, June 15, 2008


Happy Father's Day to John Nelson or Sock Monkey's Daddy

Happy Father's Day to John Nelson,
the Baby Daddy to all Sock Monkeys!

Photo Credit: Snively Web Site

John Nelson manufactured the red heeled sock at his factory, Nelson Knitting Mills, that became the genesis of the Sock Monkey plaything, eternally etched into our Americana toy history.

The Midway Village Museum of Rockford, Illinois has preserved Sock Monkey history for posterity. The original Sock Monkey used in the patent litigation that won Rockford the title "Home of the Sock Monkey" is on display.

If Rockford, Illinois isn't on your Summer agenda, you can do your Sock Monkey retail therapy by mail order. The Museum Gift Shop has some great Sock Monkey stuff for sale!

Sock Monkey Loves Sugar Rush and Lauren

Sock Monkey has a major crush on one of his favorite
My Space friends named Lauren Preston.
Not only is she a fav MySpace buddy,
but an accomplished artist.

She has a show coming up with the Opening Reception scheduled for Saturday, June 21 from 4-8 PM.

"Sugar Rush" An All Girl Group Show
Monkeyhouse Toys and Gallery
1618 1/2 Silverlake Blvd.
L.A. [Silverlake area] , CA 90026

Sock Monkey and his human plan to attend
the Opening on our way home from CineVegas.
We can't wait!

Sock Monkey is headed to CineVegas in Sin City!

Sock Monkey is headed to CineVegas in Sin City!
Back to our usual stomping grounds at The Venetian.
It'll be more fun than a barrel full of monkeys!

Sock Monkey Hearts Paul Frank Sock Monkeys

Taken at Paul Frank Store
Fashion Show Mall
Las Vegas

Frankie Sock Monkey by MUFFA


An embryo Sock Monkey!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Sock Monkey Flower

Sock Monkey Flower
uploaded by Sock Monkey Fun

You can adopt an adorable Sock Monkey of your very own.
Check out Tamara's website.

Wow! Sock Monkey Fun!!!

Small Paul by Paul Frank

Small Paul Sock Monkey by Paul Frank

Sock Monkey adores Julius!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Sock Monkey for President!

Feel free to right click and save Sock Monkey's campaign button!

Obama Sock Monkey

Some say it's racist. I think it's cute.
Of course, I am a big fan of all Sock Monkeys.
It's just another marketing idea capitalizing on a political year.

It comes with the territory. The Hillary Nutcracker. It'll be a collector's item one day and so will the Obama Sock Monkey.

Brokeback Sock Monkeys

Sock Monkeys and photo by Web

From Down Under in 2006, Ennis and Jack Sock Monkeys

Rainbow Love.

Click on the link for a tutorial on how to make your own cowboy Sock Monkeys.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Cheeta Chimp deserves a STAR!

Dogs have been awarded stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame so why not a chimp?
Simians deserve equal time on the Walk of Fame. What better candidate than Cheeta?

Cheeta Chimp has movie credits in some of Hollywood's favorite animal movies like Dr. Doolittle and Tarzan. He is 76 years old and lives in retirement in the desert community of Palm Springs.

Cheeta has developed a penchant for abstract art which his caregiver Dan Westfall calls Ape-Stract. Cheeta's artwork sells for $125.00. Proceeds go to the the Cheeta Primate Foundation for the support of unwanted showbiz animals.

Cheeta' "ape-stract" art

You make can Cheeta's dreams come true by signing his petition for the long overdue recognition. Let's convince the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to choose Cheeta!

To make a donation to the Cheeta Primate Foundation, or, to request a piece of Cheeta's Ape-stract art, please contact:

Dan Westfall
Cheeta Primate Foundation
PO Box 8162
Palm Springs, CA 92263

Sock Monkey at the Oscars 2008!

Psychedelic Sock Monkey


Sock Monkey Love!
Haight Ashbury Summer of Love

Sock Monkey in San Francisco

I gotta fix this blog post. Check back later!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Sock Monkey Haute Couture

Dress by Rebecca Yager of Hazel and Melvin
Perfect for all you Sock Monkey June Brides!

Sock Monkey Chair

Another Rebecca Yager creation.
Now you can sit on Sock Monkey's face.
Crafty Planet, located at 2318 Lowry Ave. NE,
Minneapolis, Minnesota phone: 612-788-1180

Time Travel Sock Monkey

Time Travel Sock Monkey by

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Sock Monkey, The Video by Brenda Young

Sock Monkey Paintings.

Brenda Young is a Hawaiian artist well known for her whimsical Sock Monkey paintings.

Grab your popcorn. This is a great Sock Monkey video.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Sock Monkeys in Health Care

Sock Monkeys truly are love. The University of Iowa Hospital gives its pediatric patients free Sock Monkeys. Volunteers make the Sock Monkeys for gifts to the hospitalized children. A mere fee of $20.00 affords a member of the public the gift of an adorable handmade Sock Monkey. The proceeds are used towards the expense of making new Sock Monkeys for the sick children.

Sock Monkeys bring joy to the world!

Sock Monkey Boogie

This is fun! Make your own Sock Monkey and watch him Boogie.
Flash site and Sock Monkeys by
Cece Bell

Prima Ballerina Sock Monkey

Prima Ballerinas

Sock Monkey by Brenda Young

These are my FAVORITES!
Prozac Sock Monkey
French Sock Monkey &
Disney Sock Monkey
by Brenda Young
Clubhouseb dot com

Be a Sock Monkey Hero!

Sock Monkey made a new friend this week from the Vermont Bear Factory. Not only does he have a new playmate, but a child in need will have a warm and fuzzy bear to hold, according to the website, in an emergency situation arising from a house fire, car crash or other like disaster.

The Vermont Bear Factory sponsors the "Big Hero Little Hero" campaign that is a win-win situation. When you buy a cute and adorable bear, the Vermont Bear Factory donates two bears to a fire, police or rescue agency to comfort a child during a traumatic event.

Sock Monkey loves his new bear friend. A child is happy.

How's that for a warm and fuzzy?

Friday, June 6, 2008


Sock by Penn Gillette

Finally, here's a novel that knocks my socks off
Sock monkeys are the new robots.

Wait, I take that back: Sock monkeys are actually the old robots. They predate them by at least 20 years. But, in the same way Will Smith gave 'bots a little boost this summer, I'm hoping Penn Jillette will help make the funky monkeys cool again.

Many know Jillette as half — the tall, talkative half — of magic act Penn & Teller. Last month St. Martins Press published his first book, Sock, a crime novel narrated by a sock monkey.

Even though the page-turner has kept me awake four nights in a row, I realize Sock is not a story for everyone. Certain readers might not be open to a sock monkey's unfiltered thoughts about death, God and rock 'n' roll.

Nor will all people appreciate the dark humor, sex and raw language uttered by Sock's stuffed narrator, also known as "Dickie." Through the monkey, readers learn about its owner, a police diver who discovers his ex-girlfriend's body in the Hudson River and is compelled to find her killer. (Related item: Read the first chapter of Sock)

Certain readers might not have the patience for Dickie's rapid-fire pop-culture references, either. Jillette throws in everything from Bob Dylan lyrics to lines from Plan 9 From Outer Space in nearly every paragraph. The Beatles come up at least 24 times — and only two of those shout-outs refer to Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey.

No, not everyone can handle all that gritty goodness packed into 228 pages. But we can all get behind sock monkeys, right? Aside from the satisfaction of devouring a great story and inviting writing (imagine if Tom Robbins, Lester Bangs and Stephen King collaborated on a novel), Sock helped me gain a newfound appreciation for the stuffed creatures.

A little research told me sock monkeys originated in the early 1900s, when mothers began crafting Red Heel socks into cheap toys for their children. Buy a pair today, and you'll get the same sock-monkey instructions the company began including in 1920.

Over the years, sock monkey fans have come and gone. Stores carry them from time to time then lose interest when the next trend comes along. Several fan sites have cropped up and gone neglected like, well, an old sock monkey. Sock is the most publicity monkeys have received in a while, but if you pay attention, you'll notice several other, smaller sock monkeys in our midst, such as:

Sock Monkey Boogie-Woogie by Cece Bell (Candlewick Press, $14.99). In the 2003 children's book Sock Monkey Goes to Hollywood, Bell's character was a famous, award-winning actor. Details about Boogie-Woogie are unclear (it comes out in November), but I'm hoping they don't involve a strip club, a crack habit or a potato-head pimp named Spud.

Rocko and Spanky Go to a Party by Kara and Jenna LeReau (Harcourt Children's, $15). This new kids' tale follows twin sock monkeys as they shop for a birthday present and head to a fancy party on their Vespa scooter.

Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey: Uncle Gabby by Tony Millionaire (Dark Horse Comics, $14.95). Millionaire's award-winning Sock Monkey comics are some of the best things to ever happen to the critters. His latest book came out in June.

Hey Hey, We're the Sock Monkeys!. The new WB sitcom stars Dave Foley, Justine Bateman and rapper Ja Rule as three slacker sock monkeys trapped in a spaceship, trying to find themselves — and their way home.

OK, so I made up that last one. I couldn't help it. Sock monkeys beg for invention. It's easy to see why Penn Jillette couldn't help himself.

Sock monkeys haven't enjoyed nearly the level of fame in literature and film as robots, gnomes and giants, so I'm glad they're getting recognized. Maybe this year, thanks in part to Sock and friends, they'll finally get their place in the Toy Hall of Fame.

Speaking of fame, the good folks of Rockford, Ill., are trying to establish their town as the birthplace of the sock monkey. (It's where the red-heeled sock originated in the 1800s.)

The local museum plans a sock monkey exhibit in the spring, complete with fiberglass monkeys painted by Rockford children. Last month the city even sent a seven-foot inflatable monkey, Nelson, to New York to try to drum up some publicity.

While I'd prefer to hang out with Sock's mischievous Dickie, I hope Nelson was successful in his mission. Why not give monkeys a minute in the spotlight?

Hey, if we're lucky, sock monkeys (not robots!) might even take over the world one day.

Pop Candy is a weekly column about popular culture. Click here to visit the archive. Click here to read Hip Clicks, Whitney's daily blog. E-mail Whitney Matheson at

Find this article at:
Sock Monkey in USA Today

Copyright 2008 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.

Monkey Moments Greeting Cards

These Sock Monkey themed greeting cards and invitations are adorable!
They are available for every imaginable occasion. Sock Monkey invitations
for birthday, baby shower and retirement celebrations are also available.
You can buy them at select online or at select local stores.

Handmade Ring Pillow & Sock monkeys on Flickr !

Blinkx Video: Britains famous sock-monkey on the big screen!

Blinkx Video: Britains famous sock-monkey on the big screen!

Sock Monkey Online Train Set by Cece Bell

Click on the banner

Sock Monkey Fun!
Watch Sock Monkey play with his new Christmas train set.

Flash site and Sock Monkey by a favorite
Sock Monkey artist Cece Bell

Have a very Merry Sock Monkey Holiday Season

Sock Monkey Trading Cards

Sock Monkey Trading Cards by Socks Fifth Avenue!