Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Comic Con 08 Monkey Exclusive

KING KUN $75.00
This was an exclusive to Comic-Con 08.

UK artist James Jarvis and Tokyo fashion brand Bounty Hunter
created KING KUN.

Both colors in limited edition.
Black (BxH edition) and Gray (Amos edition).

Sock Monkey and Banana Cupcakes

Cupcakes for Sock Monkey

Monday, July 28, 2008


Sock Monkey Evolution

Viva Sock Monkey Evolution!

Sock Monkey Cupcakes by the Dozen

Sock Monkey Cupcakes by the Dozen

Sock Monkey Tattoos

Tattooed Sock Monkey

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Why Sock Monkeys Are Better Than Men

Why sock monkeys are better than men,
originally uploaded by ScentofGardenias.

Sock Monkey and cupcake

Why sock monkeys are better than men:
Written by ScentofGardenias

1. They never try to take over the conversation.
2. They never take credit for your ideas.
3. They are happy to cuddle anytime without any expectations.
4. They will go to the ballet without complaining.
5. They are always the life of the party but never get drunk.
6. They don't care when you dance with someone else.
7. They don't hold a grudge when you ignore them for a week.
8. They like to dance with you.
9. They don't watch sports.
10. They never tell you your dress makes your butt look too big.
11. They never hog the covers.
12. They never snore.

She makes adorable Sock Monkeys
Her website: FunkySockMonkeys

Sock Monkey Beauty Tip of the Day - Nail Dryer

"No more fanning your hands around in the air in a vain attempt
to dry your newly manicured nails.
Now you can just pull up seat, pull out your cute little monkey
friend who will blow dry your nails to a perfect finish. Ideal for home or travel use."

Inside the Sock Monkey Museum

Sock Monkey Museum with Sock Monkey Daddy, John Nelson

Pictured: Sock Monkey's MySpace Pal "Bubba"
Photo credit: Bubba's Sock Drawer

The Sock Monkey Museum in Rockford, Illiniois
Home of the Sock Monkey

Cute Sock Monkey Cupcakes

Love me some Monkey cupcakes!

The Sock Monkey of Oz

Sock Monkey card by MonkeyMoments.net

They're off to see the Wizard

Follow the Sock Monkey yellow brick road....

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Sock Monkey Video by Brenda Young

Sock Monkey in Space

Space Sock Monkey

Sock Monkey BFF by Natalie Dee

natalie dee
Graphic art by

Sock Monkey and Banana
Best Friend Forever

Some relationships are meant to last forever.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Sock Monkey Hat

Sock Monkey Hat
by custom order on the Hazel and Melvin website
Dress by Rebecca Yager of Hazel and Melvin
and the famous Sock Monkey dress.
It's wearable art.

Sock Monkey Lurves Cupcakes!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Sock Monkey postcard

Sock Monkey postcard,
originally uploaded by Monkey River Town.

Sock Monkey at Disneyland

Sock Monkey at Disneyland

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Death of a Sock Monkey

We are sad to announce that on February 10, 2008, Lucius M. Monkey passed away. With the otherworldly, multiphonic Tibetan Book of the Dead chants playing in the background, Lucius crossed over to the other side. He left behind a note for his family and friends.

Read the letter that Lucius left behind.

You can learn more about his history and family tree.

His legacy lives on.


Sock Monkey Surfer Dude

Sock Monkey chillin at San Clemente beach

Amigurumi Sock Monkeys: Herbie 'n' Scary Harry

Amigurumi Sock Monkeys

(編み包み, Amigurumi lit. Knitted stuffed toy) is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. Amigurumi are typically cute animals (such as bears, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc.), but can include inanimate objects endowed with anthropomorphic features. Amigurumi can be either knitted or crocheted. In recent years crocheted amigurumi are more popular and more commonly seen.

Amigurumi are usually crocheted or knitted out of yarn. The simplest designs are worked in spirals. In contrast to typical Western crochet the rounds are not usually joined. They are also worked with a smaller size hook in proportion to the weight of the yarn in order to create a very tight-looking fabric without any gaps through which the stuffing might escape. Amigurumi are usually worked in sections and then joined, except for some amigurumi which have no limbs, only a head and torso which are worked as one piece. The extremities are sometimes stuffed with plastic pellets to give them a life-like weight, while the rest of the body is stuffed with fiber stuffing.

The pervading aesthetic of amigurumi is cuteness. To this end, typical amigurumi animals have an over-sized spherical head on a cylindrical body with undersized extremities.

The art of Amigurumi originated from Japan.

Sock Monkey Stanford Alumni

Sock Monkey at Stanford Memorial Hall

Sock Monkey in front of Hoover Tower

Sock Monkey at the Main Quad

Sock Monkey in front of the Gates of Hell at Rodin's Sculpture Garden

Sock Monkey in Tiburon with Golden Gate Bridge
and rolling fog in background.

Sock Monkey was a big man on campus at Stanford.
He's a very clever lil Sock Monkey.
Don't mess with him or he'll bite you in the ankle.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Sock Monkey History

John Nelson,
the Baby Daddy of all Sock Monkeys!

Photo Credit: Snively Web Site

John Nelson manufactured the red heeled sock at his factory, Nelson Knitting Mills, that became the genesis of the Sock Monkey plaything, eternally etched into our Americana toy history.

The Midway Village Museum of Rockford, Illinois has preserved Sock Monkey history for posterity. The original Sock Monkey used in the patent litigation that won Rockford the title "Home of the Sock Monkey" is on display.

If Rockford, Illinois isn't on your Summer agenda, you can do your Sock Monkey retail therapy by mail order. The Museum Gift Shop has some great Sock Monkey stuff for sale!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Obama Sock Monkey Redux

Above: The Original Sock Obama
The New Obama Monkey.

Much ado was made over the purported "racism" of the Sock Obama when it went on sale back in early June. No doubt, mob mentality caused the website owners to close up their online sales. Quietly, a new Obama Monkey has returned online for sale.
Personally, I'm happy to see free enterprise prevail. You don't like it. Don't buy it.
I don't support bully tactics.

"SockPoliticians.com is not affiliated with TheSockObama.com,
TheSockObama™, David and Elizabeth Lawson or Binkley Toys.
We respect them and their privacy and you should too.

In this election year we possess the freedom to vote for the candidate of our choice.
Let us not forget that we also have the choice to avert our eyes and click on the X in the upper right hand of the screen if we find a product distasteful or outright offensive.

I respect anyone's right to voice their protest. However, I was disgusted by the threats of violence and mayhem over a doll. Call me simple minded. It's a doll.
A marketing gimic in a campaign year. Check out the crap on Cafe Press. You can buy a G-string emblazoned with the face of your favorite candidate. BTW, where was the uproar over the Hillary Clinton Nutcracker that was sold online?
Double standard? Nah. Hypocrisy!

The new website gives the Republicans equal time with a McCain Monkey. Somehow, I doubt it will sell as well as the new Obama version. The new Obama doll is pictured with longer sleeved suit jacket and longer pants. And yes, I did order an Obama Monkey. It's a collectible toy in a historical election year. It's the first time in history that an African-American and a woman ran a high profile campaign for the Democratic nomination to be elected as the President of the United States of America. That is what should be remembered from campaign 2008.

Sock Monkey Party!

Sock Monkey party!,
originally uploaded by Ben Can Dance.

Sock Monkey Jewelry!

Sock Monkey Ministries

This is a wonderful cause. Sock Monkeys make all the difference. This organization, through the help of volunteers and donations sends handmade Sock Monkeys to our soldiers worldwide and anyone in need of a warm and fuzzy friend.

You can read more about Sock Monkey Ministries HERE.

The public is invited to SPONSOR a Sock Monkey in memory of a loved one.

Donations are your choice and tax deductible. Altruism does has its perks.

Sock Monkey's Zen Relief

Buddha Sock Monkey by Jek in the Box

Sock Monkey wants to bring some Zen into your life.

What better way to bring down your stress level than origami.

Origami is a Japanese art of paper folding.

This website will instruct you on the art of paper folding everything from a frog to a good luck bat.

Sock Monkey Zen

Be here now.
Sock Monkey Love

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Paul Frank Sock Monkey T-shirt

Pink Paul Frank Sock Monkey T-shirt

The T-shirt is unavailable but you can still buy the Sock Monkey.
Sock Monkey available at Amazon.com

New Paul Frank Sock Monkey in Fuchsia


Monkey Cupcakes

Monkey Cupcakes, originally uploaded by Queen of the Cupcakes.

Sock Monkey Bus

Sock Monkey Bus by John Jackman

Sock Monkey Mermaid

Scooter's Sock Monkey Mermaid yarn art
by Sappymoosetree

Sock Monkey Poop!

Monkey Poop By Sappymoosetree

Andy Warhol and Sock Monkey

Sock Monkey art by Pound Designs
The Warhol caught my eye first.
Her style is fun and whimsical.

Sock Monkey says Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Enjoying A Rainy Day #1,
originally uploaded by Princess Monkey.

It's pouring rain tonight in Orange County, California.
We hope the weather clears up soon.
Me and Sock Monkey have a very long day tomorrow.
We have some very important things to do.
In the late afternoon we're headed home to spend the Thanksgiving
holiday with our loved ones.
Rain, rain, go away!